Monday, May 16, 2011




The Invention of Somalia [Paperback] Ali Jimale Ahmed (Editor)

Daaroodka waxa ay bilaabeen xiligii xukuumada Maxammed Siyaad Barre in ay sheegtaan Sheekh Axmed Ibraahim Geesi ama Axmed Gurey. Dhowr beelood oo ay ka mid yihiin beesha Mareexaan iyo Bartire oo ah beel Absame ayaa isku kalifay in ay sheegtaan Axmed Gurey. Hadaba Ma run baa arinkaasi ?

Mudane Dirsame Jawaab

Horta Somalidu waa dad faan jecel, Daroodkuna waa ugu sii xag jiraa. Laakin waa been iyo buuhu buuhaa ay fidsheen Daroodka arinta ah Axmed Gurey waa nin Darood ah. Sababtoo ah Daroodku wexey sheegteen in la yiraahdo Reer Darood Ismaaciil Jabarti oo uu dhalay sheekha caanka ah ee Ismaail Jabarti ee ku aasan Magaalada Zubeyda ee dalka Yaman oo dhintay qarnigii 1647.

Maadaama ay Daroodkoo dhami isku raacsanyihiin in uu dhalay carabkii Sheekhi Ismaaciil Jabarti ee dhintay 1647 taasi wexey kuu cadeyneysaa in uu Axmed Gureey noqon karin nin Darooda sababtoo ah xiligii uu dagaalka ku qaaday xabashida wexey ahayd 1549kii boqol sano ka hore intuunsan dhalan Isaaciil Jabarti

Daroodka waxbaa ka khaldan, Axmed Gurey wuxuu noolaa boqol sano ka hor intuunsan dhalan awoowgood Isaaciil Jabarti oo haddii aad cawa tagto magaalada Zubeyda waxaa ku yaala Misajidkuu ku asanyahay iyo qabrigii Isaaciil Jabarti oo tariikhduu dhashay oo aha 1593 wuxuuna dhintay 1647.

Waxa kale oo jirta taarikhda Axmed Gurey maaha tariikh la marin habaabinkaro oo habar walaboo Mareexaan ama Darood iska sheegan karto waxaa jira buug dhan oo Tariikhda Axmed Gurey ka hadlaya oo la Yiraahdo " Fatuuh al Habash The Ethiopian Conquest", buugan waxaa lagu qoray afka Carabiga waxaan qoruhu xaadir ka ahaa Dagaalki Axmed Ibraahim Gurey isagoo goobihii dagaalka oo dhan soo taagna ayuu wuxuu qoray buugan oo Faransis iyo afka Ingiriiskaba lagu durjubaanay oo mantana aad ka dalban karto Amazon.Com.

Hadaba haddii uu yahay Axmed Gurey Darood oo uu waliba ka sii yahay Mareexaan maxaa dhacay oo xukuumadii Siyad Barre ay u turjumi weyday ? Maxaa looga baqaa in Buugan la turjum siiba beesha Darood ay uga baqatay in Fatuh Al Habash ay u turjumaan?

Buugan waxaa ku qoron sir weyn oo ay beesha Mareexan ka baqatay oo ah xiligii Axmed Gurey beesha Mareexan wexey aheyd Dir!!! Haa beesha Mareexan waxaa ku qoran in ay Kamid ahayd beelweynta Habar Magaadle ama Isaaqa. Habar Magaadle waxaa laysku oran jiray (Garxajis iyo Habar Awal).

Mida kale buugu waxaa ku cad in Axmed Gurey yahay Madaxeyne Dir ama beeleynta Mandaluug Dir ( Gadabuursi).

Mudan Dirsame Ma waxaad hadaleedahay Mareexaan Sade Darood wexey ahayeen Habar Awal 1560 ?

Haa Mareexan wuxuu ahaa Habar Awal sida ku qoran buuga" Fatuuh al Habash" Daroodkuna afka Kaliya ayay ka sheegtaan in Axmed Gurey uu ahaa Darood. Hase ahaatee haddii ay dhabtahay wexey turjumi lahayeen Daroodku buugan laakin wexey ka baqaan ceebaha soo bixi kara.

Mudane Dirsame: anigu Galgaduud ayaan ka soo jeedaa waagii Dirka Waqooyi la xasuuqi jiray ayaan abtiyaashey waxaan ka maqli jiray Gadabuursigu waxay ka guureen Gobolka Gedo oo Gadabuursi wexey ka timid " Gedo-biirsay". Ah Haaa Haaa (qosal)

Mudane Dirsame: Jawaab

Walahay Mareexankaa ka tagay Boorame oo ka mid ahaa Gadabuursiga abtiyashood Habar Awal, Marka arintaas ayay xasuustaan mindhaa.

Fathul Habash (conquest of Abyssinia)
Futuh Al-Habasa: The Conquest of Abyssinia
Click to enlargeby Sihab ad-Din Ahmad bin Abd al-Qader bin Salem bin Utman
Translated by Paul Lester Stenhouse with annotations by Richard Pankhurst
Format: paperback; 417pp; map
ISBN: 0-9723172-4-4
About the Book
Sihab ad-Din Ahmad bin ‘Abd al-Qader’s account of the early sixteenth century Jihad, or holywar, in Ethiopia, of Imam Ahmad bin Ibrahim, better known as Ahmad Gran, or the Left handed, is an historical classic. The Yamani author was an eyewitness of several of the battles he describes, and is an invaluable source. His book, which is full of human, and at times tragic, drama, makes a major contribution to our knowledge of a crucially important period in the hisoty of Ethiopia and Horn of Africa.
‘Futuh al-Habasa,’ or ‘Conquest of Abyssinia’ - which undoubtedly reflects the situation as it seemed to its Yamani author at the time of its composition. The forces of Imam Ahmad bin Ibrahim had occupied the greater part of Ethiopia. The resistance of Emperor Lebna Dengel had virtually come to an end, and many Christians had chosen to convert to Islam. The victorious Imam’s regime seemed there to stay.
This was, however, far from the end of the story. The Imam was killed in battle on February 21, 1543, whereupon his army almost immediately disintegrated. Those of his soldiers who could do so made their way back to the East. Not a few Muslim converts reverted to their former faith.
The Futuh thus refers to a relatively short, though crucially important, period in Ethiopia’s long history. The book is nevertheless valuable, in that its author was an eye-witness of many of the events he describes, and writes, as far as we can judge, with a degree of objectivity rare for his time.

.... What people are saying about this book ...
This book is the first ever complete English translation of the Arabic account on the campaigns of Imam Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Ghazi (popularly known as Gran) as written by the Yemeni jurist, Shihab al-din Ahmad b. Abd al-Qadir b. Salim b. Uthman (also known as Arab Faqih)... it is a welcome addition to the rich corpus of Arabic literary and historical sources relevant to the sixteenth-century Ethiopia and the Horn. It is particularly useful for English-speaking researchers and established scholars who cannot read either the Arabic text or the authoritative French translation prepared by Rene Basset...both Stenhouse and Pankhurst, and the publisher, deserve high commendation, respectively, for producing such a valuable work that represents a major contribution to the history of Ethiopia and the Horn, and for making it available to the wider English-speaking readership and scholarship.

-- Hussein Ahmed. Hussein, the leading historian of Islam in Ethiopia, is a full professor of history in Addis Ababa University.
"In the history of conflict in Africa and beyond, "few stories of drama and human tragedy equal" Imama Ahmad's conquest of the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia (1529-1543). His short lived spectacular victories and determination to replace Christianity by Islam and the remarkable survival of Christianity in Ethiopia" is a story of epic proportions" which still generates strong emotion among both the Christian and the Muslim population of Ethiopia. In other words, Imam Ahmad's jihadic war besides being legendary was a major turning point...

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